안녕하세요! 요즘 멀티쓰레드 공부한다고 .Net 코드를 보고 있는데
이런 코드가 있어서 어떤 의민지 몰라 여쭤봅니다!!
비어있는 try문을 사용하고 finllay에서 중요한 작업을 합니다!
보고있는 함수 전체를 올리겠습니다!
/// <summary>
/// Local helper function to Take or Peek an item from the bag
/// </summary>
/// <param name="result">To receive the item retrieved from the bag</param>
/// <param name="take">True means Take operation, false means Peek operation</param>
/// <returns>True if succeeded, false otherwise</returns>
private bool TryTakeOrPeek(out T result, bool take)
// Get the local list for that thread, return null if the thread doesn't exit
//(this thread never add before)
ThreadLocalList list = GetThreadList(false);
if (list == null || list.Count == 0)
return Steal(out result, take);
bool lockTaken = false;
if (take) // Take operation
#pragma warning disable 0420
Interlocked.Exchange(ref list.m_currentOp, (int)ListOperation.Take);
#pragma warning restore 0420
//Synchronization cases:
// if the list count is less than or equal two to avoid conflict with any stealing thread
// if m_needSync is set, this means there is a thread that needs to freeze the bag
if (list.Count <= 2 || m_needSync)
// reset it back to zero to avoid deadlock with stealing thread
list.m_currentOp = (int)ListOperation.None;
Monitor.Enter(list, ref lockTaken);
// Double check the count and steal if it became empty
if (list.Count == 0)
// Release the lock before stealing
if (lockTaken)
try { } //<--- 여기입니다!! 여기!! 👋
lockTaken = false; // reset lockTaken to avoid calling Monitor.Exit again in the finally block
return Steal(out result, true);
list.Remove(out result);
if (!list.Peek(out result))
return Steal(out result, false);
list.m_currentOp = (int)ListOperation.None;
if (lockTaken)
return true;
마이크로소프트 사람들이… 어떤 이유에서 저런 코드를 만들어 놓았을까요?
혹시… 저런 패턴으로 사용하시는 분들 계시면 이 패턴에 대한 의견 받아볼 수 있을까요?!