발표자료를 생성하기 위해 slogging을 합니다.
corefxlab/span.md at archive · dotnet/corefxlab (github.com)
.NET Framework: 866. C# - 고성능이 필요한 환경에서 GC가 발생하지 않는 네이티브 힙 사용 (sysnet.pe.kr)
Interoperating with Unmanaged Code (radio42.com)
To achieve this is pretty easy: Simply keep a reference to the object in question locally in your managed code. Forgetting this aspect is the most common mistake which results in a “memory access violation” error - causing your application to crash.
P/Invoking using Span. (Updated to .NET Core 2.1 official… | by Antão Almada | Medium
recap Span 를 사용해야 할 5가지 이유 - jacking75
ref struct
Split a string into lines without any allocation - Meziantou’s blog
PowerPoint Presentation (adamsitnik.com)
Adam Sitnik “State of the .NET Performance” (slideshare.net)